Collegial Capoeira

Capoeira games may be played collegially or adversarially. Fight is one extreme manifestation of Capoeira. Dance is the other. Ideally, Capoeira is a perfect balance of the dance and fight aspects of this Afro-Brazilian tradition. Embracing the flow of movement in a Capoeira game with equanimity is a serenity practice that leads to this optimal manifestation of the artform. Playing collegial Capoeira enhances our capacity to balance dance with fight as exhibited in the video below.

Read about Contramestre Zumbi's philosophy about the importance of collegial Capoeira here.

It takes most beginners a minimum of six months to begin to master the movements they'll need to express themselves in a Capoeira game. Our $1,500 six month lifestyle challenge starting in April 2023 will prepare you to play rudimentary but collegial Capoeira. Signup today.

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